Helping women of color and gender expansive POC gain skills, mentorship, and opportunities in product.

The Guía Collective is the next generation of product people in design, research, and management.

Upcoming events

Reducing Bias in UX

Coming soon

May 2024
5-6:15pm PST / 8-9:15pm EST

Coming soon

RSVP for future events

Learn and hear from others in the field. We host skill-building programming and community events such as portfolio reviews, speaker talks, and design and research workshops.

Slack community

Join our online community and meet other women of color and gender expnsive POC in the space. Our Slack group is a safe space to ask questions, find resources, and meet others in various parts of their journeys!


The next generation needs to hear from women of color, gender expansive POC, and allies alike! We want to hear talks from diverse speakers on a wide breadth of topics and approaches to product.